Sunday, November 17, 2013

Artificial Intelligence: Our Future Technology


       Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the branches of Computer Science which is the design and study of intelligent machines for some certain purposes. For the past few years, we have seen a lot of new advances such as the IBM Watson supercomputer, Google self-driving cars, and complex big data sets from the Internet. We’re living in an automation age, and all know that our future will be affected dramatically by new technologies – such as AI.

       Artificial Intelligence is successful in fields that have more data than human beings, and require simple decisions. For example, big data is one of the most important things people have spent a lot of time to research on. Image recognition is one of the useful applications of AI that classifies images into different categories such as Google Goggles. It can be applied in biological research like brain mapping in order to help build computers that can simulate human brain. The leader in this brain mapping area is Sebastian Seung at MIT who develops a new kind of computer vision in building “connectcomes” – the detail of neuron communications. 

       Another area that relates and depends so much AI in order to make progress is cognitive prostheses – brain implants, which can replace the role of a damaged part of the brain. A prosthesis can help Alzheimer’s patients restore their crucial memories. The implant will record the signals of neurons in the brain and make a device (usually a micro chip) mimic the way these neurons work. Without AI and the power of computer, an electronic device would never have the power of replacing human neurons.

       Finally, if every intelligent machine is carefully programmed, it will reduce the risk of humans’ carelessness, for example, in surgery. Definitely, there are a lot more of AI that scientists will discover in the future in order to make our lives better. However, computer vision, robotics and cognitive prostheses are most relevent and interesting to accomplishing our future goals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Duc
    Your blog is full of useful information make me get concern about Machine learning by analyzing images and just by the information that one image resulted to another is a great achievement. This is kind of greater learning than humans. I gone through the whole blog and found it very interesting and beneficial. I hope it will be used other than these things too. Thanks a lot for bringing the knowledge here. I enjoyed reading the blog and very much impressed.
