Sunday, October 6, 2013

Agile: A Great Tool For Project Development and Management

       In the past, I sometimes came across projects and development teams on software that follow agile development methodologies, usually Scrum. Agile is a set of software development methods which is built up on incremental and iterative development. Agile provides its users the capability to freely adapt and make changes to any project based on Agile. I didn't realize these significant characteristics of Agile until I got to explore it during one of my projects this semester; especially, it's extremely used in CS 100W.

     In order to apply Agile correctly and wisely, people should always stay away from the following mistakes:
     1) Lack of understanding of agile development methodologies. 
     2) Lack of logical system thinking.
     3) Make the implementation complicated.    

     Agile really adds new features to the traditional approach to software development process, which always assumes that final products' requirements and customers' demands won't ever change. However, in reality, customers' demands and requirements change quite often, and Agile provides a better way to adapt and make changes to the process of project development flexibly. 

     Also, Agile allows development teams to be able to give deliverable products to their clients at the end of each sprint. Everyone in the teams can respond to changes even when projects progress and customers' demands increase. This is one of the factors that makes Agile powerful. Finally, Agile is one of the best tools for project development and management that any business would need to use. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Duc Nguyen,

    You bring up a few points that I didn’t think about. I did not realize other strategies were more expensive and focus a lot of time and money on control.

    There are a few things that you can do to improve your blog. Debra said she would like it if there is at least one picture in each post. A link to further articles or information about Agile would also help your reader learn more about the topic if he or she becomes interested enough through your blog post you can point them in the direction to learn the right information. You should have also gone deeper into what you are talking about. I would have loved to hear more about why you think that we have arrived at the time to think differently or why Agile is better than other software project methodologies. You could have also explained more of what Agile is exactly or Scrum.

    Keep it up!
