Friday, August 30, 2013


       Hello CS100W and welcome everyone to Duc Nguyen's technical writing blog. My name is Duc Nguyen and I'm a junior Computer Science student at San Jose State University (SJSU). I started to learn programming when I was in middle school. Most of my programs were written in Visual Basic and Pascal because those two programming languages were really popular then. I love coding and even enjoy doing it when I have free time, but for sure I'm not a computer nerd. I do enjoy going out with my friends and playing tennis with my brother over weekends. Occasionally, I do some volunteering jobs like picking up trash along Tully road in San Jose and holding little soccer tournaments for obese kids at Yerba Buena High School in San Jose. I consider volunteering jobs as a meaningful way to give back to the community. Over the past 3 years, I have learned several programming languages at SJSU, such as Java, C, C++, Python, Scheme and Lisp. However, I have specially focused on software development, and CPU design. So far, I have developed an interpreter for a subset of the Scheme language using Python, created a Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages (MIPS) Instruction Set Emulator using C, and designed a 16-bit two-cycle processor by Logisim. I hope you all will be enjoying my blog and finding the information posted here useful.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Duc, it is interesting reading your blog. You mentioned you started to learn programming when you were in middle school. That was much earlier than I did. I officially started learning programming when I was a freshmen in college. I love coding and just like you, I program during school period and also during breaks and holidays because programming is challenging and fun and I believe practice makes perfect especially programming is mostly about practice. You also mentioned you consider volunteering jobs of our community. It is nice that you care about not only your study but also your community. It seems you have spent a tremendous amount of time on software development and gained experience in many aspects of it. It is exciting having you in the class.

  3. How's it going man? Hey, you are such a pro already. To be honest I wasn't even familiar with Lisp. You seem to be a really experienced programmer. I have a background in art and computer graphics and doing web design/development is what got me into computer science. Computer science is such cool field where there is always interesting stuff to learn and apply. It is always cool to meet people passionate about what they do who also care about others and actively help out in the community. We only have so much time in this planet and what a better way to spend it than helping out and doing our best on whatever field we are involve. I’m interested to know more about the projects you have been working on and I look forward to reading more about the details on your blog.

  4. Hi Duc. Knowing your technical expertise talks a lot about your skills and passion towards computer science. It's a good to be diverse which helps in taking varying level of challenging roles across various computer science disciplines. I should take inspiration from you and learn 2 to 3 new technologies, esp. programming languages since during my undergraduate I had no option to learn those. Above all it's a nice and informative blog. One thing additional that you could have mentioned would have been about the challenges that you think you can tackle with your present technical skill set.
